Publish puzzles on your website*
Minutes from now, you could be increasing your website's interest, stickability and attractiveness to readers. Because that is what publishing puzzles by a leading crossword puzzle maker and creator on your website will do.
Visitors will often spend more time on the puzzle page than anywhere else. Imagine being able to control what impacts your visitors, by putting a key message or ad near the puzzle. Where they will see it for longer.
Our easy online crossword puzzles, and the tougher ones, can be solved online and display well on smartphones, tablets and desktops.
As a crossword puzzle writer, setter and compiler oriented to customers' needs, Crosswordsite offers you a quick and easy supply:
- Single website puzzles or discounted packs of 12, 26 or 52.
- Variety of sizes from 7x7 squares to 15x15.
- Easier, tougher and cryptic.
- Guaranteed family-friendly.
- Immediate download from this website and/or the email we send you.
- Download includes easy-to-use files to install the puzzles on your website. You will be able to control which puzzles appear and how often they change from one to another. There are no links off your site in these puzzles.
- Files to publish the puzzles in print media are also included for no extra charge, in EPS, pdf, wmf, rtf, jpeg, tiff, bmp and txt formats.
- Paid invoice emailed to you immediately.
- Puzzles you buy contain no links to other sites.
If you are buying puzzles for website publishing, please try before you buy using our free US or UK samples. Then you will know beforehand whether our puzzles will display on your website. They will on most websites but not on some e-commerce sites nor on sites created with some website building programs.
For publishing non-exclusive website puzzles:
please click a link below now.
UK from £1.70*
US from £2.50*
We also build website puzzles exclusive to you:
UK from £5.10*
US from £7.50*
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